Never underestimate the power of communication!

As an adult if you find it hard to show how you feel or find it hard to talk about your feelings, for whatever reason, this can impact how your child expresses and connects to how they feel and communicate what is going on for them.

There are lots of ways you can help your child feel at ease with talking about how they are feeling with some big emotions. Tapping into your own inner child through creativity and playfulness can be an amazing connection technique to build that strong relationship with your child.

These are two of my biggest passions within my therapy work and in my own personal life to, inner child work and creativity. Inner child work became a focus for me through my own healing journey, which then became a big part of my therapy practice with working with adults. Inner child work is an amazing therapeutic way of healing past childhood trauma and experiences that have been unresolved and can allow a release to enable your inner child to be free to talk and communicate.

There are many ways you can connect with your inner child and one of the ways that resonated with me was through creativity and art. Working creatively is again a powerful way to communicate your feelings and emotions. Being an arty soul myself and allowing myself to be more expressive through being creative became a natural steppingstone and a way of working with children and young people. Chocolate Therapy for Children and Young People - Widnes, Halton, Merseyside.

Working creatively with young people is such a powerful way of seeing into their true inner emotions and feelings and it can be a mirror to reflect true feelings, when words are hard to find.

Our inner child is always there but it does tend to get lost as we grow. To nurture and connect to your inner child as you grow is an amazing thing. Being with children can allow us to connect to our own inner child and heal. Children have and amazing sense of playfulness and imagination and tend to laugh a lot more than us adults, it can be infectious!

By practicing being playful, to dance, sing, draw, or go outside or be and have fun and laugh with your own child can be a start to help yourself to express your playful inner child which in turn allows a beautiful bond to grow with your child. When we feel free and have fun this can impact how we communicate and start to talk about feelings and emotions.

Start today by doing just one thing, whatever feels natural and easy for you and really connect to how it makes you feel. Use a journal to write down any emotions and feelings it brings up for you

We do all have such busy and stressful lives at times. Take some time to be free and have some fun and connect to your inner child.